Monday 28 April 2014

Let's Celebrate!

So my blog has been painfully neglected of late. It's had to be placed on the back burner since I have exams and work, etc. However, something truly amazing has happened.

Today, my blog reached more than 5000 views.

I actually think I'm going to cry with happiness.

I feel like this:

And like this:

Maybe even like this:

But I know that the only way that this has been possible has been through people like you reading this right now. So above all, I wanted to say THANK YOU! Thank you so much for reading what I have to say. Thank you for reading my work and giving me the confidence to publish what I do. And thank you for your continuing support. Even in the lulls I still have regular readers, so thank you. 

I promise to have more material up soon, continuing with my Seven Deadly Sins project. Just bear with me a little longer.

I'm going to go and celebrate somehow that means I can still revise tomorrow.

And once again: THANK YOU SO, SO MUCH!