Sunday 20 January 2013

The Thing About Karma...

It's January, with all the usual post-Christmas blues and unwanted food babies. Well, you can't just leave all the chocolate that you got in your selection boxes, and the sooner you eat it, the sooner you can start the big healthy eating kick. Right?


Tomorrow is apparently called "Blue Monday", the most depressing day of the year. And with the past couple of days I've had, I can see how it would be fairly easy to slip into a hole and curl up until the sunshine comes back.

Since it's January, it's exam season once again. Renaissance Literature and Journalism are no easy task when all you want to do is curl up in front of the TV and watch all the films you got for Christmas. I worked myself up into a stress for about three days straight before Renaissance Literature, only to sit an exam that lasted two hours and made my hand cramp after writing the best part of ten pages.

Then I had two days to revise for Journalism. That involved two essays in two hours, and was sufficiently horrible. There's only so much you can say about the moral panics plaguing the media, or how journalists use the public to defend their methods.

I'm going to stop talking about my exams right here because, thankfully, they're done.

The freezing cold weather has taken its toll on morale too. You would think that since I grew up in the Scottish Highlands I would have some sort of blubber layer, like a whale, but that's not the case. Then again, I do still have Christmas chocolate left...

And I have a cold.

If you put all that with all the little niggly things you get everyday, like jobs you've applied for not getting back  to you, having a workload too big for you, and feeling like no one is really listening of paying attention, I would say I would be allowed to embrace "Blue Monday" the way I'm expected to.

But it seems like the horrible tap has been switched off for now.

One of my best friends moved in to our lovely little flat, and while it's going to take some time to get used to the Lad Banter that I'm now constantly surrounded by, it's been great fun. We've had gaming marathons, a lasagne night and I suppose I'll forgive him for breaking our kettle eventually.

I had a girlie night with my best friend the other night, and nothing lifts the spirits like Season Four of True Blood, Dominos pizza and ice cream. Screw the blubber layer. And we did our nails. Everything is better with cool nails.

I finally got my haircut a couple of days ago, and any girl will understand how great that feels. No split ends and shine you could see your face in.

But what made everything worth it was Date Night last night. The other half and I went out for dinner and saw a movie. I got to indulge in Tiramisu and Life of Pi was just as good as I hoped it would be. Plus, I got spoiled, and you know a man loves you when he lets you wear his hat when it's cold.

So don't despair if you're feeling those January Blues. It'll be February soon. And even if your Christmas chocolate doesn't last till then - Easter's early this year!

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